The ‘Safe’ quadrant is about how willing you are to take risks – including with your mobility; or whether you practice risk averse habits

The ‘Safe’ dimension to mobility behaviour does not refer to the normal definition, in terms of preventing accidents. It refers to those aspects of our personality that determine our values towards being protective or being open. In other words, is it important that we protect the privacy and confidentiality we have in our lives, or are we prepared to share information, and also to what degree are we willing to take risks in the way we behave and the choices we make. These aspects of everyday behaviour and the values we have impact on our mobility – everyday travel decisions and decisions to adopt or reject new innovations.

In the MIND-SETS context, safety is not strictly defined in the conventional sense of accident risk, or the perceived safety of transport modes, but from the perspective of:

  • How the demands of the information society is challenging personal privacy. How willing are people to abandon their privacy to access and assist new mobility services – i.e. are they privacy neglecting or privacy protecting?
  • How much are people willing to take risks in purchasing or using the new (‘disruptive’) mobility options available to them. This will of course include peoples’ perceptions of physical risk but also important elements relating to the likely acceptance of the innovation proposed.

Axis 1: Privacy concerns

(Privacy relaxed – Privacy Ensured)
  • Users definition: Are you content to provide personal information when purchasing or using new mobility products and services, or do you value protecting your personal information in confidence?
  • Product/system/service provider’s definition: How far does the mobility service/product require personal information from users? How much is the privacy of users’ personal information respected?

Axis 2: Risk-taking behavior

(I always take risks – I never take risks)
  • Users definition: To what extent are you a ‘risk taker’ when choosing your mobility (mobility patterns and the adoption of new mobility products/services) or are you someone that never takes a risk?
  • Product/system/service provider’s definition: How disruptive is the mobility service/product – what do you see as the perceived level of risk by users to adopt it?