Mobility and increasingly complex social structures The pace of social change is breaking down traditional family and social ties, thus weakening kinship and dependency structures. Accelerating social change is increasing the complexity of social spaces and how people…
Work-Life Balance The importance of work-life balance is increasing. Today, one personal hour is more valuable than a decade ago. Operational-work life balance measures will be aimed at facilitating professional careers and honouring private…
Interface Design As collective transport modes are generally adopted in Europe with increasing priority over privatised vehicles, there is a need to simplify the user interface between passengers and ticketing machines. A European project…
The impact of social change Society has moved from an emphasis on social support to one of individualism, which has widened the gap between the mobility rich and poor and exacerbated problems arising from ‘mobility poverty’. New…
Social influences on mobility choices Research has shown that people’s preferences are not independent of others, but that conformity to group behaviours and agreement with the views of others is strong. This impacts choices including transport and…
Future mobility and the new power of places As people’s perception of space and place change, is it true that in future the spaces between buildings will be more important than the spaces within them? There is the possibility that…
Multi-Modal Mobility Given the growing demand for mobility, it appears that society seeks greater variety and responsiveness in mobility forms. For mixed mobility models to work best, we need a seamless transition between modes.…
Mobility as a Lifestyle Concept – Layers of decision making The strength and importance of mobility has been understated in the past due to its restricted definition as the ability to travel from A to B. This view of mobility clouds the…
Demand Responsive Transit (DRT) Demand-responsive transit (DRT) is often seen as a combination of regular public transit services (fixed route, fixed schedule) and completely personalised taxi services (flexible route, flexible schedule). They are often used where…
Mobility as a Service Concept With the increasing possibilities of information technology that is becoming mobile accessible, geo-specific and real-time, we are seeing an increase in the variety of different mobility services. New technologies and business models…
Courier Network Services Courier network services is a new form of delivery service that uses online applications or platforms to facilitate the delivery of freight. This can either be through a company, or through an…
Bicycle Sharing – about, types, pros and cons Bikesharing schemes enable users to access bikes on an as-needed basis in urban areas. This can facilitate the use of cycling rather than other non-sustainable modes of transport. Bike sharing stations are…