Policy advice & legal and regulatory hurdles for AVs Vehicle automation may facilitate more efficient traffic demand management. However, there is a case that the application of automation toward more socially desirable objectives, such as reducing the need to travel and…
Levels of Automation Vehicle automation has been becoming more salient in past years. The NHTSA (USA) has defined 5 levels of automation that explain how much ‘control’ the vehicle has instead of the driver. These vary…
Fleet Car-Sharing – The B2B Market Business, or corporate, carsharing can reduce the impact of private vehicle fleets provided for business purposes. The popularity of carsharing has increased dramatically over the past years, and it is becoming known…
New layers of information New technologies create new layers within the urban environment; layers of information that can be overlaid on a cartographic representation of the city. These new layers of dynamic intelligent information can spur…
Big Data One major influence of ICT is the ability to manage and interact with the transport system in real time. Initially there was strong ‘top down’ development of sophisticated traveller information systems, using…
Driverless cars and user acceptance (Fully) automated vehicles are becoming a reality. The technology is there. But are we ready? There is an important difference between the availability of a technology and its widespread adoption. In the…
Overconfidence and optimism bias and traffic safety People show unrealistic optimism and overconfidence with regard to their own potential and performance. This affects individual risk-taking, and can prevent people from taking preventive measures. In the case of transport behaviour,…