Dalit Shach-Pinsly, Dr. Arch.

Dalit Shach-Pinsly is an architect and urban designer who received her Ph.D at the Technion–IIT. She is currently a researcher and lecturer at the Technion–IIT. She is a Partner Investigator in the H2020-MG-9.2-2014 MIND-SETS -Mobility Innovations for a New Dawn in Sustainable Transport Systems. She is participating in the EU FP7 TUD COST Action TU1305 as the co-initiator and MC member. She was a senior researcher of FP7-DESURBS- Designing Safer Urban Spaces project. Formerly she joined the College of Built Environments at the University of Washington as a post-doctoral fellow sponsored by the competitive Marie Curie EU IOF Fellowship (2008-2011). Her research deals with measuring and evaluating diverse qualitative aspects of the urban environment, such as privacy, security and safety. Dr. Shach-Pinsly has published her work in leading international journals and book chapters, and presented in many international conferences.

Big Data

One major influence of ICT is the ability to manage and interact with the transport system in real time. Initially there was strong ‘top down’ development of sophisticated traveller information systems, using…