A multidisciplinary team redefining the concept of mobility


To achieve a better understanding of mobility and the important role it plays in our physical and mental lives, the development of the MIND-SETS Knowledge Centre has explored beyond the relatively narrow confines of the traditional transport planning approach.

The MIND-SETS team combined experts across a number of fields – sociologists, psychologists, generation specialists, behavioural economists, experts in social networks and ‘future lifestyles’. In addition to their own areas of expertise, these experts have assessed intelligence from a wider group of disciplines from anthropology to psychiatry.

The result has been seen by the European Commission and European city and industry stakeholders as a ‘breath of fresh air’ – extending our understanding of the value of mobility in people’s lives, revealing the ways that mobility is shaping the changing lifestyles of generations and communities across Europe – both for those who have mobility and for those who do not. This wider approach to mobility, developed through this Knowledge Centre will provide you with new insights, whether you be in policy, planning or innovators of mobility products and services.

Our team

Together, the MINDS-SETS team were able to combine quite different disciplinary backgrounds to focus on the mobility issue and also draw-in other disciplines that had relevance to mobility’s wider context. The result in this Knowledge Centre has been a significant step forward in our understanding of mobility and why it is so central to everything we think and do in our everyday lives.

The developers of the MIND-SETS Knowledge Centre were Lucia Cristea and Radu Gaspar of European Integrated Projects (EIP), Romania.

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