Perspectives on the future of the car The market sale of autonomous vehicles is in the foreseeable future and is expected to be commonplace by 2030. Industry experts believe that autonomous vehicles have the potential to solve a range…
Multi-Modal Mobility Given the growing demand for mobility, it appears that society seeks greater variety and responsiveness in mobility forms. For mixed mobility models to work best, we need a seamless transition between modes.…
Levels of Automation Vehicle automation has been becoming more salient in past years. The NHTSA (USA) has defined 5 levels of automation that explain how much ‘control’ the vehicle has instead of the driver. These vary…
Mobility as a Reality Concept The key features that will define future activity spaces: Mobility visions can no longer be separated into ‘physical trips’ and ‘virtual trips’ on the internet and other communication media. The division between…
Driverless cars and user acceptance (Fully) automated vehicles are becoming a reality. The technology is there. But are we ready? There is an important difference between the availability of a technology and its widespread adoption. In the…
What are Ridesourcing / Transportation Network Company (TNC) Services? Ridesourcing or Transportation Network Company (TNC) services use smartphone apps to bring passengers in contact with drivers who typically drive part-time, and use their own car. The ‘surge pricing’ practised by TNCs…
Travel planning apps can be used to promote and evaluate sustainable travel behaviour Several cognitive processes that underpin travel decisions can now be delegated to ICT. One might argue that the emergence of mobile apps renders much of the existing research on cognitive biases obsolete.…